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Welcome to the


We are a research group based in the Department of Life Sciences at the University of Bath

We develop new chemical modalities to treat diseases including cancer and antibiotic-resistant infections. 

We work at the interface of Chemistry, Biology and Medicine

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Latest News

Scott presents to HRH Prince Edward

June 2024: Scott shares the lab's research to Bath's chancellor during his recent visit to campus.


Lovell Lab Awarded an EPSRC NI Grant 

June 2024: The grant will fund research to generate cell permeable covalent macrocycles for inhibiting 'undruggable' proteins.


Scott presents at the CRUK Cambridge Institute

May 2024: Scott shares the lab's research on covalent peptides to the CRUK Cambridge Institute

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Scott presents at CASE24

April 2024: Scott  presents the lab's research at Kitakyushu, Osaka, Kyoto and Waseda University as part of the Catalysis and Sensing for our Environment Conference

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